March 31, 2009

Delayed Musings, Pt.1

I thought I would have internet access and be able to post from Chicago, but alas my computer refused to connect to me to the world once I was at Laurel's house.  It was probably for the better; I didn't have time to post since I was exploring the city.  

My first night in town I went to see Eli 'Paperboy' Reed and the True Loves, a thoroughly enjoyable soul band, at the House of Blues.  I was not only impressed by the musical stylings of the band and the Motown vocals of the Paperboy, but also by the sartorial choosings of the Paperboy himself.  It is not often enough that you see men dressing in well-fitting suits outside the office (although, more often than not, the suits men choose to wear do not fit them properly), so it was a pleasant surprise to see the frontman of the band so wonderfully clad in a grey suit. Perhaps that is one of the great (non-musical) things about soul bands: their appearance is just another facet of their performance. 

More than the suit itself, I was digging on the Paperboy's accessories: the watch, pocket square, and cuff links are all very nice touches.  Men may not have as many options for dress as women, but fine accessories are where they can truly show their personality as well as set themselves apart from other men.

Most of all, though, I was obsessed with his pinky ring. Where can I buy one of those beauties?

After the show, we hit up a club called Rino and I got to don some fun 'going-out' clothes. I love dressing up for a club or bar because I get to assume an attitude and posture very different from the day.  I feel comfortable wearing the craziest things (though my outfit below is not the craziest I've worn).  It is a time when I can say, Bring on the sequins or animal print or gold. Or maybe all of the above.
AA grey cardigan, F21 pocket tank, DIY leggings over AA zebra print leggings, Aldo necklace

A closer look at my leggings and shoes (Sigerson Morrison for Target)

(These are the leggings I referred to in my previous posting. I love the way they turned out.)

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