March 22, 2009

Neglected Items

I realized that in my post the other day that the butterfly print on my blouse was not very apparent in the photos that I took, so I decided to follow up with a better photo.  This is the back of the blouse:
Also, I neglected to mention in a previous post: My friend, Ashley, who works at a jewelry store, gave me a great jewelry care tip.  To prevent cheap(er) metals from changing color, coat the jewelry with clear nail polish. 

I love jewelry, but I cannot afford to buy high quality pieces at this point in my life. (One day, I hope, my situation will be different.) So, I often buy cheap jewelry that changes color: the gold turns to a disgusting yellow or loses all color completely.  Ashley's tip, therefore, is beyond helpful.  I don't know that it will protect the jewelry indefinitely, but it will give the pieces a greater life-span in my wardrobe.  Also, I guess the nail polish will also help protect your skin from irritation if you have an allergy to certain types of metals, like nickel.  

Thanks, Ashley! 

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