March 11, 2009


I've been talking about starting this blog for a month, thinking about it for longer.  This blog is a way to combine my interests: my insatiable love for clothes and fashion, and my love of language. 

As Yves Saint Laurent so plainly said, "Dressing is a way of life."  And I can't imagine my life without the enjoyment (and wonderful agony) of clothing.  I take great pleasure in fabrics, cuts, silhouettes, and shoes.  Absolutely shoes. 

(I recently pondered whether I would rather lose all my clothes or all my shoes, and while it pains me to think of losing either, I think I would rather be naked in a fabulous pair of shoes.) 

Fashion and outfit posts will follow soon.

1 comment:

  1. I see what you mean with those thigh-high lace-up boot, absolutely beautiful. I also love what you said about being naked in a pair of fabulous shoes.
    take care,
