March 31, 2009

Delayed Musings, Pt.1

I thought I would have internet access and be able to post from Chicago, but alas my computer refused to connect to me to the world once I was at Laurel's house.  It was probably for the better; I didn't have time to post since I was exploring the city.  

My first night in town I went to see Eli 'Paperboy' Reed and the True Loves, a thoroughly enjoyable soul band, at the House of Blues.  I was not only impressed by the musical stylings of the band and the Motown vocals of the Paperboy, but also by the sartorial choosings of the Paperboy himself.  It is not often enough that you see men dressing in well-fitting suits outside the office (although, more often than not, the suits men choose to wear do not fit them properly), so it was a pleasant surprise to see the frontman of the band so wonderfully clad in a grey suit. Perhaps that is one of the great (non-musical) things about soul bands: their appearance is just another facet of their performance. 

More than the suit itself, I was digging on the Paperboy's accessories: the watch, pocket square, and cuff links are all very nice touches.  Men may not have as many options for dress as women, but fine accessories are where they can truly show their personality as well as set themselves apart from other men.

Most of all, though, I was obsessed with his pinky ring. Where can I buy one of those beauties?

After the show, we hit up a club called Rino and I got to don some fun 'going-out' clothes. I love dressing up for a club or bar because I get to assume an attitude and posture very different from the day.  I feel comfortable wearing the craziest things (though my outfit below is not the craziest I've worn).  It is a time when I can say, Bring on the sequins or animal print or gold. Or maybe all of the above.
AA grey cardigan, F21 pocket tank, DIY leggings over AA zebra print leggings, Aldo necklace

A closer look at my leggings and shoes (Sigerson Morrison for Target)

(These are the leggings I referred to in my previous posting. I love the way they turned out.)

March 25, 2009

Off to Paris on the Prairie

Packing, I would like to think, went well, but I won't know until the end of my trip how successfully, or unsuccessfully for that matter, I planned and prioritized my clothing.  I tried to contemplate my trip in terms of outfits: walking/museum-prowling outfits, shopping outfits, 'hanging out' outfits, 'on the town' outfits.  Also, I tried to bring things I could mix and match, because a) layers are always good and b) I'm a realistic woman and I know that I cannot stand prescribed outfits.  I need some spontaneity when dressing in the morning, or evening, whichever the case may be. I need to feel like what I put on fits my mood and attitude for the day.  If I have exactly one outfit per day and only one or two evening ensembles, then I feel trapped.  Perhaps this is the reason I dread packing.  I know this is the reason I over-pack.  Always.

While I may not be great at pack, one thing I have mastered over my years of traveling is dressing for the plane.  Comfort is always a priority when traveling.  But when I say comfort, I do not mean sweatpants.  Traveling is not an excuse to roll out of bed in your pajama pants and call it good, even if you plan on sleeping on the plane.  (not that I believe that there is ever an excuse to step out in pajamas.  If you're awake enough to leave the house, you're awake enough to throw on a real pair of pants.)

I prefer to dress in soft jersey dress or an oversized tee and Levi's shorts (with tights) this time of year.  And I top it off with a cardigan and scarf.  Simple, yet comfortable.  I feel much more at ease crammed into the tiny plane when I'm wearing looser and breathable clothing.  Since I have a love affair with boots, I always travel with at least one pair.  Most of mine are relatively easy to pull off and on (at security), so I save room in my suitcase for more options (i.e. a second pair of boots) by wearing them on the plane.  Also I carry on my bulkiest coat for the same reason.  At least I have something down to a proverbial science.

But no matter, at this point, I must deal with what I brought. (Or buy something new.)

On a final note, on my small joys of traveling is buying fashion magazines that I would normally not purchase at the newsstand.  I always judge an airport bases on two things: 1) food and drink choices and 2) the magazine selection at the newsstands and stores.  All I have to say is that it better have more than just Allure and Cosmo (neither of which I ever really read), and please, current issues.

March 23, 2009

Redhead Envy

I love so much about this photo: the pants, the booties, the model (Coco Rocha).  But above all else, I love her new hair color. I want it so desperately.

March 22, 2009

Rebel, Rebel

F21 faux leather jacket (borrowed from sister), F21 sweater tank, Realitee tank top, Marc by Marc Jacobs jeans, F21 heels

Like any shoe addict, I like to torture myself by looking at beautiful and expensive shoes online and in magazines.  It's fun to pretend that I could actually own the Louis Vuitton 'Spicy' Sandal, the Alexander Wang Alexis Fringe Boots, or almost any pair of Christian Louboutin.  Alas, my wallet is not that large; in fact, I cannot even afford to buy these Jeffrey Campbell studded heels that I've been lusting after since Christmas.  So, I will settle for Forever 21. At least they can make a sexy shoe, or rather, I should say, imitate/copy/steal a sexy shoe.

On another note, I've seen multiple incarnations of cut, even shredded leggings on the runway and in magazines (most notedly, in Nylon magazine, of which I do not have the scans of at this time).  I've been craving them, but anytime I look at the attached price (always at least $40), I say to myself, 'I could make those myself.'  So, today, I bought a cheap pair of Target leggings and did just that.  I'm quite proud of the end result, but I'm saving their debut for my trip to Chicago later this week.

Speaking of Chicago, I need to pack.  Packing has never been my strong suit.  I overpack. I take things I don't end up wearing and I leave things at home that I want while I'm away.  Needless to say, I'm not looking forward to it.  The trip, on the other hand, very much so.

Neglected Items

I realized that in my post the other day that the butterfly print on my blouse was not very apparent in the photos that I took, so I decided to follow up with a better photo.  This is the back of the blouse:
Also, I neglected to mention in a previous post: My friend, Ashley, who works at a jewelry store, gave me a great jewelry care tip.  To prevent cheap(er) metals from changing color, coat the jewelry with clear nail polish. 

I love jewelry, but I cannot afford to buy high quality pieces at this point in my life. (One day, I hope, my situation will be different.) So, I often buy cheap jewelry that changes color: the gold turns to a disgusting yellow or loses all color completely.  Ashley's tip, therefore, is beyond helpful.  I don't know that it will protect the jewelry indefinitely, but it will give the pieces a greater life-span in my wardrobe.  Also, I guess the nail polish will also help protect your skin from irritation if you have an allergy to certain types of metals, like nickel.  

Thanks, Ashley! 

March 20, 2009

Put That in Your Pocket

I've had the Forever 21 pocket tanks for two days and already I can tell that they were fabulous purchases.  So comfy and perfect with so many things.  I fear that I will wear through them before summer even arrives. 

Belt made from sash off Marc Jacobs dress and belt from a vintage peacock print dress, Forever 21 bangles

Max Studio cardigan, Forever 21 pocket tank, American Apparel skirt, UO tights, Frye boots

March 18, 2009

Beautiful Butterfly

One of the many things that I think is important in developing your own fashion sense and style is learning what you like and what you don't, and most importantly, sticking to it.  You don't have to limit yourself to one style or look. (My style is very eclectic; I love fringe and oversized t-shirts, but I also love a great 50s dress.) But don't wear something just because it's 'in.' You won't feel comfortable and confident, and you definitely won't look it. 

With that being said, I love when I spot a garment that shatters my preset notions or when I'm drawn to a garment that incorporates elements that I would normally shy or even shudder away from.  Butterflies are one of these things to me.  For some reason, I cannot wear butterfly patterned things.  It seems too girly to me.  Or perhaps it makes me think of trashy and/or fake girls with lower-back butterfly tattoos.  I don't know, but I know I don't like them.  So, when I saw this retro polyester butterfly open blouse in Buffalo Exchange, I was surprised how much I liked it.  (It probably helps that the butterfly presence is minimal.)  The piece itself is also versatile: it can be worn open, or like a wrap blouse as I wore it today. 

Retro butterfly blouse, H&M skirt, Jeffrey Campbell Frontier boots, Knit hat (found at Buffalo Exchange), thrifted earrings and bangles

The blouse is a pleasant reminder that while you should know what you like, don't be too closed-minded.  I wouldn't have this blouse if I was.

It was a rare, beautiful sunny day today, so I took advantage and went out sans tights! 

Oh! You Pretty Things

3.1 Phillip Lim cardigan, American Apparel deep v-neck, Forever 21 shorts, Target tights, vintage boots, scarf (found at Buffalo Exchange)

Sterling silver and Lapis ring, Tiffany & Co. mesh ring

Sterling silver and Turquoise cuff (found at Tucson Buffalo Exchange)

Today I went shopping at the mall, a thing I hate to do, but I was craving new jewelry and cheap pocket tanks from Forever 21.  I ended up being successful on both fronts without spending too much money.  The pocket tanks from Forever are perfectly baggy and I think they will be fabulous summer staples. (After buying them, I missed Tucson weather; it was 85 today, apparently.)  And I found a silver leaf hinge cuff, and an armload of gold and black bangles (of various widths and designs).  I'm utterly pleased with my purchases.

I wish (as always) I had more money than I do, because I discovered, thanks to my friend, Ashley, some wonderful pendents modeled after 18th century wax seals and made from recycled silver by Pyrrha. Some of my favorites are the scissors and a stag crest, which is in the catalog, but not the website.  Also, the huge cuff with multiple seals that's pictured on the website, but not listed is mind-blowing. 

Little Coincidences

In my post about the Louis Vuitton show the other day, I neglected to mention that I was amused to see that Marc Jacobs incorporated a bow woven through the collar of a long sleeve sweater.  The reason being was that not two weeks before, my friend, Laurel, posted some of her most recent designs online, one of which is pictured below.  I immediately fell in love with and femininity that the bow and puff sleeves add to the t-shirt.  And the contrast of the pattern to the solid color sleeves adds a playfulness that the Louis Vuitton counterpart lacks. 

I immediately fell in love with the femininity the bow and puff sleeves add to the t-shirt.  And the contrast of the patterned bow to the solid sleeves adds a playfulness that the Louis Vuitton counterpart lacks.  I still love the Louis Vuitton version.  I think it's interesting how both garments use the same idea, yet the variations exude different attitudes.

photo via

I'm visiting Laurel in Chicago in a week and I may have to snatch one of these up, or have her make me one while I'm there.  

The creation pictured above is just one of many she made for the shop, Kuzu, she's opening with her mom and sister this weekend in Tucson, Arizona.  I wish I could be there; I saw the shop last summer, in its early stages and I think it's a lovely little space.  If you are in Tucson, I recommend checking it out.

March 17, 2009

Just Another Monday

What I wore yesterday.  Monday doesn't have to be boring just because it's the first day of the work week.  I suppose it helps that Monday is my Friday.

I love how a funky accessory, like this purple fedora, can add so much attitude to an outfit.  Is it evident that I was listening to a lot of hip-hop while I was getting ready for work yesterday? 

American Apparel pullover, Morphine Generation striped tank, H&M jeans, Sigerson Morrison for Target shoes, Aldo necklace, vintage fedora

March 16, 2009

Oh Marc

Fashion week has just come to a close, and I have only had time to behold a small fraction of the F/W 09 collections.  I feel like I am behind, as if I arrived at the party and missed the majority of the action, though was still able to catch a few key moments.  But this deficiency is, in many ways, false.  All the collections are available online, and now I get to enjoy them, leisurely, when I feel like taking a moment away from life and pretending that I can own and wear the best of what I see.  Or, at least admire the art of the clothing.

One of the few collections I have looked at thus far is Louis Vuitton.  The collection as a whole is solid; Marc Jacobs again proves that he can put together beautifully tailored, yet also fresh garments. The details of some of the garments, like the ruffles on the black jacket dress below and the tulip shaped skirts are lovely.  Very polished, yet also youthful.

The leather (?) draped coat below has a Junya Watanabe quality to it, which I think is fantastic.  And the black draped shift with the grey marble patterned boots has an 80s rock vibe; I imagine, if I were wearing this outfit, I would feel like the most badass babe walking down the street.  It oozes that kind of sex appeal.  

Marc Jacobs (like in many of his other collections, both for his own line and for Louis Vuitton) gives us a very 80s-inflected collection overall.  Sometimes, I felt like the influence was too literal, and not quite updated enough.  Too many lace ruffles.  And the way oversized and boxy coats don't do a lot for me.  Every piece did not 'wow,' but there were more than enough that did.

And nothing 'wowed' me more than the thigh-high lace-up boots.  There is no denying the 80s inspiration here, and I'm a bit surprised how much I'm attracted to them since they also reminiscent of gothic wear, but I cannot stop staring at them.  


Finally, if you have not seen the documentary, Marc Jacobs & Louis Vuitton, rent it immediately.  I found it fascinating to see how Marc works: he's particular, he's neurotic, he likes to have anything he designs in at least ten different color options, and he works until the last hours before a show.  Plus, you get to look at this beautiful man for an hour and a half. 

March 13, 2009

Happy Birthday, Bradley!

Inspired by an article I saw in Craft magazine, and by lack of funds to buy my best friend, Bradley, something he would wear to pieces from Diesel, I got crafty last weekend and made him an African Giraffe diorama.  (Giraffes are his favorite animal; he is very giraffe-like because of his height (6'4"), his grace and his gentleness.) I took such pleasure constructing this diorama; in fact, I completely lost track of time and suddenly realized it was at night and had been crafting for almost four hours.  Anytime I can capture childlike creativity, I relish.

The gift, which I mailed to him earlier this week (sadly, my boo is still in Tucson) and reached him today, turned out to be perfect.  Last night, he got a giraffe tattoo on his forearm.  I saw a picture and it is stunning! Sometimes I believe we're of the same mind.

Me: Cosabella dress, Forever 21 necklace
Bradley: H&M shirt, Leopard scarf, Diesel jeans, vintage Coach murse

To turn this posting to fashion, before I met Bradley, I barely owned any animal print.  Actually, I think the only piece I owned was a snakeskin post, seen in my previous post.  I didn't realize it until one night, when Bradley and I were hanging out and poking through my closet, he asked, "Do you have any animal print?" No, I admitted.  "Nothing," he said.  "Not even a leopard print scarf." He looked a bit aghast, and I felt a little ashamed.  

Tomorrow is his birthday and I think I will don some animal print in his honor.

Delightfully Dressed

 Vintage Dress and sweater, UO tights, Vintage 70s Larry Mahan boots, Forever 21 multi-chain necklace, Faux snakeskin belt

In many ways, I am not a girly-girl.  I dislike overly frilly and flowery things, thoroughly enjoy sports, particularly basketball and football, and prefer to drink whiskey over some fruity concoction any day.  But when it comes to fashion, I LOVE dresses.  (My obsession, let's just say, is getting slightly out-of-hand.) So, when I saw this cream ruffly number the other day, I had to snatch it up.  It made me happy in the way only a new dress can (and it was only $10, which only multiples the delight ).

Had to take a close-up of the scallop detailing on these Larry Mahan boots.  It's my favorite part; I would say, 75 percent of the reason I bought them. I've been wearing them a lot lately, but for months they sat in my closet unworn.  I go through cycles with them, I suppose.  But they are such a great boot that I don't think I will ever be able to part with them. 

March 12, 2009

Christian Siriano for Payless

Photo: Imaxtree via The Cut

Yes, that's right. Come September, these shoes will be available at Payless.

I know it's been said on countless blogs before, but it is truly the only word that describes these shoes.  Fierce.  So Fierce.  I'm especially in love with the top right pair.  (Is love even the right word? Infatuated?) I absolutely cannot wait until September.  This high fashion-meets-affordability collaboration surpasses all others to date.

Spring Won't Come Early

Lately, I have heard many people yearning for Springtime weather here in Portland, as the temperature hovers in the mid- to high forties.  Every time I open a fashion magazine, I see nude tones, bare legs, and open-toe platform sandals.  Spring is definitely on everyone's mind, yet it seems a ways off, at least for the Northwest.  We've seen some sunshine (surprise!), but no warm weather.

Until today, I felt content with the weather.  Perhaps this is because I only moved back to the Portland area from Tucson a month and a half ago.  It was 75 degrees before I left the desert (only during the day, mind you; it still dropped to the forties at night).  While I enjoyed the sunshine and the warmer weather, I was beginning to feel as if I was living in an alternate universe.  Also, I own too many jackets and coats for someone who lives (well, lived) in Tucson.  It killed me to open my closet and see my vintage sheepskin-trimmed suede coat that I had worn a total of one time.  So, in many ways, I was more than happy to return to a city with (consistently) colder temperatures and drearier skies.

Today was a different story.  I was dying to wear a dress with bare legs.  Perhaps because, in a fit of insomnia last night, I took to all the sewing projects that I'd hadn't gotten to in months because of business, moving, and well, laziness.  I repaired one of my favorite summer dresses and there it was this morning, begging to be worn.  It was too cold for bare legs, but I made do.

Vintage dress, H&M cardigan, UO tights, BCBGirls shoes, Betsey Johnson necklace 

March 11, 2009


I've been talking about starting this blog for a month, thinking about it for longer.  This blog is a way to combine my interests: my insatiable love for clothes and fashion, and my love of language. 

As Yves Saint Laurent so plainly said, "Dressing is a way of life."  And I can't imagine my life without the enjoyment (and wonderful agony) of clothing.  I take great pleasure in fabrics, cuts, silhouettes, and shoes.  Absolutely shoes. 

(I recently pondered whether I would rather lose all my clothes or all my shoes, and while it pains me to think of losing either, I think I would rather be naked in a fabulous pair of shoes.) 

Fashion and outfit posts will follow soon.