April 06, 2009

What We Can't Have

It's not just a cliche, it's true. We always want what we can't have.  Or more specifically, woman want the hair they can't have.  While I am happy with my naturally straight hair- I love that it takes me about 5-10 minutes to style in the morning- whenever I watch (or even think about) Dazed and Confused, I want Marissa Ribisi's afro (right, if you couldn't tell).  I've wanted it since I set eyes on it and in exactly that shade.

I've always been drawn to Afros: I don't know what it is but I think they're delightful, yet still so sassy.  It will never happen; the closest I will be to that hair is a wig. I know that and I'm (still) coming to terms with it.  A girl can dream.

More delayed Chicago musings to come. I have a plethora of excuses: working, sickness, bum internet connection.  They will happen though.

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