April 10, 2009

Casual Thursday

One adjustment I'm having to make as I'm settling into Portland more and more is pants.  I don't own many pairs; in fact, I own three pairs of jeans and three pairs of pants, two of which are recent purchases (more on those at a later date).  Dresses, on the other hand, I have an abundance.  It was easy to get away with wearing them all the time in Tucson, less so here in Portland, so I'm having to embrace the idea of wearing pants more and more.  At least until it's a bit warmer outside.

I need to go jeans shopping.  

Dollar grandpa cardigan, The Nation Barney's Co-op burnout tee, Marc by Marc Jacobs highwaisted jeans, Steven Madden brown suede flats

F21 scarf, Gifted heart necklace, Leather belt (borrowed from sister)

The silver heart necklace is one of my favorite pieces of jewelry. My friend, Jen, found it at Goodwill almost three years ago and gave it to me 'because it looked like something I should own.' Not only did I instantly love it, but I was also amazed. I'd been looking for something almost exactly like it. I wish the bird design would photograph better...

Since I work in resale clothing, my closet tends to shift around a lot.  I sell what I don't wear and buy new things.  I've acquired a lot of great pieces, though very little in my wardrobe did I own three years ago, especially things that I still get regular use out of, like this necklace.  I love realizing when a piece was a good purchase or gift, in this case.  Now, if only there was a surefire way to tell this about everything before you buy it...

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