June 25, 2009

Hot Tucson Night

It only seems fitting that once I promise more outfit posts that my computer stops working. Luckily, it is now fixed (without any cost!) and I'm able to share a couple photos from my Tucson excursion. 

One thing that I love about Tucson is Hotel Congress; it's a place where I can be as dressed up or as dressed down as I want to be. (I haven't found that place in Portland yet.) So I took the opportunity to wear this fabulous dress that I found months ago at my store and have been dying to wear, yet I didn't have a place or occasion to wear it. 

Leopard print sequin minidress, F21 bangles, earrings and heels, Secondhand clutch

Reunited with my love, Bradley
On Bradley: AA tee, H&M vest, Taverniti jeans, Frye boots

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